About Ed

Ed was born on 17th February 2002, in Poole, Dorset, the younger of our two children, having an older sister, Becky. Although sudden and devastating, his death from a severe asthma attack was  peaceful. He slipped away in the ambulance on the way to hospital aged 13, on 14th November 2015.

As he grew, it became clear that Ed had a huge enthusiasm for life. He was friendly, always smiling and showed compassion for others beyond his years. Since his death, we are regularly reminded by others of his encouragement towards those younger than him and his politeness and respect for those older. During his short life, he clearly made a huge impact on many people.  It is partly because of his amazingly positive outlook on life, that has led us to want to build this legacy in his memory.

He had a love for all sport, but especially cricket. He played for Dorset South District Cricket Team for the last 4 years of his life, as well as for school and village teams. He also participated in football, swimming, trampolining, gymnastics, orienteering, geo-caching and even a bit of athletics. His asthma was, thankfully, never triggered by sport.

He also loved music and after a short spell learning the clarinet, through school, he  settled on learning to play the drum kit. He was successful in the exams he took and was looking forward to continuing his studies by planning to take Music GCSE. He was also about to start   rehearsing with our church youth band.

We therefore felt it appropriate that a trust in his name should reflect these interests.